Red Hat OpenStack Platform v10 can be deployed via OSP-director by enabling SR- IOV on the compute overcloud nodes. This post is going to detail the steps involved in this deployment, along with other required details of SR-IOV deployment.

The following list of changes has to be added on top of the usual OSP10 deployment in order to enable SR-IOV in compute nodes. Here we are going disucss on enabling SR-IOV on the Compute role itself. The steps for deploying it as a new custom role along with existing Compute role will be added shortly and will be linked here.

  • Environment file
  • Parameters

Environment file

SR-IOV can be enabled by adding the neutron-sriov.yaml environment file to the deploy command, like below

  -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-sriov.yaml

This only enables the SR-IOV composable service in the Compute role. Additionally, we need to give the following parameters to assist the succesfully deployment.


Following are the list of parameters which needs to be configured addit


This parameter contains the list of physical network to the physical device mapping.


  NeutronPhysicalDevMappings: "datacentre:ens20f2"

This parameter contains the number of VFs to be created on a physical interface as a list. The number of VFs will be enabled on the corresponding interface.

    echo "<N>" > /sys/class/net/<interface>/device/sriov_numvfs

As this configuration is transitent, there is a boot-up script written on the SR-IOV deployed node via ifup-local to invoke this command every time the overcloud node reboots.


  NeutronSriovNumVFs: "ens20f2:4"

This parameter contains the white list of PCI devices available to VMs.


This example is to illustrate the different format of this parameter that can be given in the templates. Choose the best format which suits your deployment.

      - devname: "ens20f2"
        physical_network: "datacentre"
      - address: "*:0a:00.*"
      - address: ":0a:00."
        physical_network: "datacentre"
      - vendor_id: 1137
        product_id: 0071
      - vendor_id: 1137
        product_id: 0071
        address: "0000:0a:00.1"
        physical_network: "datacentre"


Following format is an invalid format, as they specifiy mutually exclusive options.

      - devname: "ens20f2"
        physical_network: "datacentre"
        address: "*:0a:00.*"

All these details are specificed in the nova.conf documenation for pci_passthrough_whitelist. This option is being moved from the DEFAULT secion to the pci section and renamed as passthrough_whitelist in the Ocata release.

  NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters: ['RetryFilter','AvailabilityZoneFilter','RamFilter','ComputeFilter','ComputeCapabilitiesFilter','ImagePropertiesFilter','ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter','ServerGroupAffinityFilter','PciPassthroughFilter']
  NovaSchedulerAvailableFilters: ["nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters","nova.scheduler.filters.pci_passthrough_filter.PciPassthroughFilter"]

This parameter id deprecated in OSP10. This parameter contains the list of vendor id and product id of the Virtual Function (VF) which will be used for SR-IOV deployment. Usually deployers make a mistake of assuming this as a the vendor and product id of the Physical Function (PF) which is not the case. As of now there is no straighforward way to identify these ids. Either we should get this information from nic vendor or we have exeucute below command in one of the node which used for deployment:

   echo "1" > /sys/class/net/<interface>/device/sriov_numvfs
   lspci -nn  | grep -i 'network\|ether'


  NeutronSupportedPCIVendorDevs: ['8086:154c','8086:10ca','8086:1520']


NeutronMechanismDrivers parameter is modified in the SR-IOV TripleO environment file to include sriovnicswitch. On adding the environment file neutron-sriov.yaml to the deploy command, no need to override this paramter in tempaltes.

Complete List of SR-IOV Template Parameters

Create a file /home/stack/sriov-environment.yaml with below contents modified to your environment:

  NeutronSupportedPCIVendorDevs: ['8086:154c','8086:10ca','8086:1520']
  NeutronPhysicalDevMappings: "datacentre:ens20f2"
  NeutronSriovNumVFs: "ens20f2:4"
    - devname: "ens20f2"
      physical_network: "datacentre"
  NovaSchedulerDefaultFilters: ['RetryFilter','AvailabilityZoneFilter','RamFilter','ComputeFilter','ComputeCapabilitiesFilter','ImagePropertiesFilter','ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter','ServerGroupAffinityFilter','PciPassthroughFilter']
  NovaSchedulerAvailableFilters: ["nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters","nova.scheduler.filters.pci_passthrough_filter.PciPassthroughFilter"]

Deploy Command:

  openstack overcloud deploy --templates \
    -e /usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/environments/neutron-sriov.yaml \
    -e /home/stack/sriov-environment.yaml \